
Hi we are Heavenya a group of united digital missionaries focused on making use of modern technology for believers of shared values and common identity to easily access fellowship. We serve both organized ministries as well as individual believers. Our primary focus is to help make faith based events become more accessible to those looking for them. We have gone about this 2 ways. The first is by helping promote the events through digital marketing and the second creating an app called Heavenya where believers can easily find faith based events in their area.

Potential Services Explained

• Share With You A List Of Influencers

• (Payment) Call And Email Local Event Organizers & Ministries

• Forming a collective group with Christian event organizers to shoutout each others events to their email list providing them with a template.

• Local church partnership network where we can ask them to post on the bulletin about the upcoming event to help increase attendance.

• Featuring them on the top of our Heavenya website and say the traffic numbers we get.

• Come on a video based podcast

Old Framing - Service Explained

Video Editing $100 per video:

We should take the time to create high-quality engaging content that stirs excitement so even people who haven’t heard of your organization would want to go to the event. The reason this element is important is because the better the video performs the more people will click on a link to learn more about the event and the ads become cheaper and perform better.

• Social Media Posting $300/mo:

We can schedule organic posts to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok and LinkedIn leading up to the event. This can help you save time and automate the process of staying in touch with your followers leading up to the event and beyond. We could simply share a Google Drive folder of the content we want to share and determine what day and time each image and video should be posted.

• Social Media Conversion Tracking Setup $250:

We must ensure that your campaign is tracking the conversion results. For example when someone visits eventbrite from an advertisement we can know whether or not they bought a ticket to see if the ads are successful or not. I will install the pixel on your eventbrite page for both Facebook and Google to see how well conversions are performing on the site.

• Social Media Marketing $500/mo:

We can run ads on Facebook, Instagram, Google, and YouTube but in order for this to be worthwhile, we will need a compelling video that inspires people to want to attend which reduce ad costs, along with a landing page that converts leads for you. Also we will give you an automatic login destination where you can see how the marketing campaign is doing live and when leads are generated. Once leads are generated you can communicate with leads over text or email inside the app.

• Google Ad Grant $1,000:

This will give you $120,000 per year of ad credits. This is a search ads only grant which will help increase the amount of organic visitors who come to your site. For example if someone searches for christian events, churches, small groups in your area people will see your ministry as an option more often. When this is setup correctly it will send many more people visit your website or subdomain. Includes filling out the forums and applications for you and opening the account, and setting up an optimized ad campaign.

Old - Process For Promotion

  1. Free Intro Call To Discuss About The Event Details

  2. Custom Proposal Email Sent Which Might Include Up To 5 Services Geared Toward Increasing Both Leads And Ticket Sales.

  3. Live Tracking Login Of Campaign Performance

  4. Campaign Reflection To Assess The Results Of The Campaign And For App Project Feedback

  5. Acquire For Your 501c(3) Organization A Google Ad Grant with $120,000 per year of ad credits.

Old - What We Need From You

We have back up accounts to run promotions to the event on channels that your audience is on in which you do not have an account. However it would be ideal for you to have the data and use your accounts or create new ones. We can schedule a zoom meeting for us to receive invitation access to each of the key areas.

For Ads

• Access to your ads.google.com this works for YouTube via email invitation

• Access to business.facebook.com this works for both Facebook and Instagram.

For Social Media Posting we need to either be added or provided with login credentials

• Facebook (be added)

• Linkedin (be added)

• Instagram (login credentials)

• Twitter (login credentials)

• Tiktok (login credentials)

For Landing Page

• We need to be able to sign in to where the

yourdomain.com is registered for example

namecheap.com or


Payments Options

• Can be sent over Venmo to Heavenya

• Credit Card Checkout Link

Ad Grant

• We will need to have multiple calls to complete proper setup.

Old - Attachments

Below you can see some numbers from our previous digital marketing campaigns with Facebook and Google Ads.

For the video here is some examples of what the standard should be for video quality and some important learnings to keep in mind as we venture further into promotion of your event. To be clear we did not make The Send video we just use it as a reference for the standard of christian event promotional video content. The Send sets an industry standard for video quality.

Previous Services Explained

• Landing Pages With Email, Call, or Text Follow Up $500 Per Page: We can create a subdomain for you and from there we can create a landing page that helps with a clear call to action for example a giveaway in exchange for their information and then follow up with an email, call or text sequence to remind them about the event. The reason why it would be wise to have a landing page is that not everyone is ready to buy a ticket to your event when they first hear about it. This can be a great opportunity to give value and to grow your contact list and then follow up about the event later. All information and leads generated will be shared with you and hopes that you will use your personal CRM provider to stay in touch with them for future ministry engagements.

• SEO $99/mo: On the subdomain we can get a high search engine ranking. We do this through a publisher network to gain visibility across the internet.. The reason to help boost organic visits to the custom landing page.

• Reputation management: We can help promote your organization for people to leave reviews on your Google My business

• Import Wordpress Site $250

• Website Development for $500

• Blog Writing $500/mo

• Email Automation $1,500/mo (Newsletter Promotions)

• SMS Automation $1,500/mo (Special Promotions)

• Reputation Management $500/mo (Google Reviews)